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Over the years, descriptions, or “boxes,” for various type of privately-held companies like “middle market,” “venture-backed,” “startups,” “small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s),” to name a few, have been tossed around so much as to obscure...

It’s been 25 years now since I started working with entrepreneurs. Over this time, I’ve seen lots of successes, and unfortunately lots of failures. So, I started thinking, “what is it about those entrepreneurs who...

To be filed firmly in the categories of the rich get richer and it does usually make sense to be both lucky and good, most people don’t know that Jeff Bezos was one of the...

There have been many articles written on the subject of why large and small businesses fail, and most of them point to the same common reasons, such as: Not qualifying for adequate financing: This can...

Written by: Jill Jaracz Taking time to visualize what you want to achieve in your career unlocks inspiration and potential, particularly for those with a great idea and an entrepreneurial spirit. Starting a business is...

Everyone knows that perseverance is important. You’ve probably heard the quote “If at first you don’t succeed, try again” or seen the commercial that talks about falling down 7 times and standing up 8. The...

Here’s a great concept I originally learned from Babak Nivi, an entrepreneur and investor who also runs the website VentureHacks.com. It’s called the “High Concept Pitch,” and this concept is critical to both your capital...

Many musicians are happy just creating music and enjoying the lifestyle that being a famous musician provides. However, a lot of pop, rap & rock stars have interests beyond music, including a passion for developing...